When Do Air Conditioners Require More Refrigerant?

One thing people forget to mention when becoming a homeowner is dealing with large electrical units surrounding the property — specifically the HVAC system. For all we know, we push a button on our thermostat, sit back, relax and wait for the soothing cool air to caress our overheated body.

However, what happens when the air conditioning begins faltering, and rather than chilling the air, it does the opposite? While consulting with a professional HVAC expert is your best bet, the usual cause of this problem is simple: low refrigerant levels. Here are some signs and indicators that your system desperately needs AC service.

Lackluster Temperature

The usual warning sign that something is awry is when the air conditioning, which typically blows chilled air into the home, no longer lowers the indoor temperature. If you’ve sat in a pool of sweat during the summer while your air conditioning ran around the clock, low levels of refrigerant are the usual suspect.

We won’t bore you with the technical details, but know this: refrigerant fills your home with cool temperatures by absorbing the stagnat heat from your home and returning a pleasant and refreshing blast of chilled air. If air conditioners lack the necessary refrigerant for this process to occur, the system will run continuously without changing the temperature.

Astronomical Electricity Bills

No one likes an unforeseen bill, but when homeowners open a piece of mail with an electricity bill that resembles a telephone number, they know something is wrong. If refrigerant levels in your HVAC unit are dwindling, the air conditioning will continue to blow to drop the setpoint inside the house. As a side effect of the process, your electricity bills skyrocket and take a toll on your wallet.

Although each homeowner’s property is unique, the average cost to run an air conditioning unit for an hour ranges between $0.05 cents and $0.90 for large homes. When we extrapolate these numbers onto a monthly timeline, we see an electricity bill that varies between $13 to $230.

What’s That Sound?

Lastly, listen for odd sounds emitting from your unit. If your refrigerant levels are low, you’ll hear a very odd hiss or gurgling sound radiating from the pipes on the back of the system. These lines are essential for optimal refrigerant usage, and when a leak occurs, it creates an audible effect that homeowners can hear during the quiet hours of the day and night.

However, sometimes a silent leak occurs, draining the air condition of essential refrigerant without your knowledge. In these instances, examine the coils and pipes extending from the unit and take note of any watery substances or frozen patches. Moreover, water puddles surrounding the base of the unit acts as an indicator that refrigerant is leaking from the system and melting onto the surface below. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to contact reputable HVAC professionals, like those at Elite Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, to fix the leak and refill your refrigerant levels.

Business Name – Elite Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

Address:  3085 E Post Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120, United States

Phone Number: 702-263-2665

Website: https://www.eliteheatingandacrepair.com/

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